Terézváros was raided, every second accommodation in the district operated illegally

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Gergely Karácsony already said in 2020 that he would support limiting the duration of short-term apartment rentals in Budapest, and the VII. the mayor of the district, Péter Niedermüller, is of the same opinion.

„Budapest’s dual administrative system does not give the Capital City Government much room for maneuver in relation to Airbnb. Private accommodations had to be registered with the districts, and control is also their responsibility. They could also introduce quantitative restrictions”

Bálint Misetics, the mayor’s chief adviser on housing and social policy, told Énbudapestem.

„Terézváros is the only district that tried to regulate short-term housing rentals. However, according to the government office, the planned regulations would restrict apartment rental companies, which is contrary to the government’s intention, so they were not allowed to enter into force.”

– confirmed the Terézváros municipality in response to Énbudapestem’s question.

Despite the multimillion-dollar income of the giant company, for example in larger German cities, it is not willing to release the home owners registered with the company to the municipalities. In the summer of 2020, the Hamburg tax authorities managed to obtain a large amount of user data, and the city administration collected 2 million euros in taxes in the following period.

In Budapest, the mayor of Terézváros also asks for cooperation in vain, but Airbnb is not willing to do so.

Cover photo: Péter Arold/APEV Media

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