Among European cities, the quality of life has increased the most in Budapest – Gergely Karácsony shared the study on this on his Facebook page

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The study reveals that in the ranking measuring the quality of life of the 173 big cities – in terms of stability, health care, education, culture and environment, as well as infrastructure – Budapest moved up seven places to 32nd place.

In his post, the mayor writes: there is still plenty of room to improve and learn from, for example, Vienna, which has been leading the ranking for years. Despite this, only Hong Kong and Singapore surpassed Budapest in the improvement of the quality of life in the whole world.

The research of the 2024 Global Liveability Index, also reviewed by the Index, reveals that Western Europe is the most livable region in the world overall. Every year since 2018, the Austrian capital has been in first place on the list of the world’s major cities for liveability.

Vienna earned 98.4 points out of a possible 100. Copenhagen, Zurich, Melbourne, Calgary, Geneva, Sydney, Vancouver, Osaka and Auckland were also among the top ten big cities.

The Hungarian capital is included in the field whose positions on the list have improved the most in the last twelve months. Budapest collected 92.0 out of a possible hundred points.

Tel Aviv fell the most: on this year’s EIU list, the Israeli metropolis ranked 112th with 70.7 points, 20 places lower than last year’s ranking. The decline was caused by the terrorist attack of the Islamist terrorist organization Hamas, which dominates the Gaza Strip, in October last year and the war between Israel and Hamas.

Damascus is at the bottom of this year’s livability ranking, with a comprehensive quality of life index of just 30.7 points.

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